
today i learned 27

Today I Learned #17 (23.07.17) - 제품 관리의 일반적인 과제 극복하기

오늘 본 내용 Week 48 - 😰 Overcoming Common Challenges in Product Management Quote Success is not only about hitting short-term targets, but also about maintaining a clear vision for long-term growth. Poll 💯 Framework // Concept // Mental Model Product management is an exhilarating yet demanding field. As a product manager, you sidsaladi.substack.com PM은 수많은 업무가 주의를 요구하기 때문에 시간 관리 및 우선순위 지정 기술을 습득하는 것..

Today I Learned #16 (23.07.13) - 고객 성공 조직을 강화하는 21가지 방법

오늘 본 내용 21 Ways to Shore Up Your Customer Success Org Introduction Running a startup doesn’t feel too far off from steering a ship. As any good captain knows, it's impossible to predict how a sea voyage will unfold once you embark. Charting a course to your destination isn't always smooth sailing, with chop review.firstround.com 경기 침체기에는 경영진이 가장 중점을 두어야 할 부분은 이미 확보한 고객을 보호하고 성장시키는 것 고객 성공 조직을 강화..

Today I Learned #15 (23.07.03) - 에어비앤비가 PM을 없앤 이유

오늘 본 내용 Week 46 - 💥 Is product management going away? Why Airbnb got rid of its PMs ⁉️ Quote “Actually, we got rid of the classic product management function. Apple didn’t have it either.” Poll The backstory Figma co-founder Dylan Field facilitated an enlightening discussion with Brian Chesky, the CEO of Airbnb. The dialogue focused on sidsaladi.substack.com Product Manager의 역할 1️⃣ 제품 전략: 회사의 목표..

Today I Learned #14 (23.06.22) - 킬러 제작을 위한 단계별 가이드과 문제 해결 방법

오늘 본 내용 Week 29 - 💡 A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Killer 📝 Problem Statements Week 29 - 💡 A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Killer 📝 Problem Statements Quote Writing a problem statement is like trying to explain why your computer is broken to your grandparents. You know something's wrong, but you're not quite sure how to articulate it POLL 💯 Framework // Concept // Mental Model Product managem..

Today I Learned #12 (23.06.08) - 가격 책정의 예술: 제품 관리자를 위한 11가지 필수 전략

오늘 본 내용 Week 41 - 🏷 The Art of Pricing: 11 Essential Strategies for Product Managers Quote "Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." - Warren Buffett Poll What is the biggest challenge you face when setting prices for your products? Understanding customer willingness to pay Competitor pricing strategies Estimating costs accurately sidsaladi.substack.com Cost-Plus Pricing💰 제품의 생산 비용에 미리 정의된..

Today I Learned #10 (23.06.02) - PMF Score vs. NPS

오늘 본 내용 PMF Score vs. NPS PMF Score vs. NPS Join 39,000+ founders getting tactical advice to build, grow, and raise capital for their startup from an a16z-backed founder www.houck.news PMF (제품 시장 적합성) 단순히 제품이 사용자의 요구를 얼마나 잘 충족하는지 측정 사용자에게 제품을 더 이상 사용할 수 없다면 얼마나 실망할지 묻고 "매우", "조금", "전혀" 옵션을 제공 새로운 아이디어의 초기 단계에서 또는 피벗을 탐색할 때 PMF 점수가 가장 유용 최근에 제품을 한 번 이상 사용한 사람들이 제공한 응답에만 신경을 써야함 (가입만 한 신규 사용자의 응답은..

Today I Learned #9 (23.05.29) - 🤯 제품 매니저를 위한 가장 효과적인 문제 우선순위 결정 프레임워크 1편

오늘 본 내용 Week 16 - 🤯 6 Most Effective Problem Prioritization Frameworks for Product Managers (Part 1) Week 16 - 🤯 6 Most Effective Problem Prioritization Frameworks for Product Managers - Part 1 Quote The value is in what gets used, not in what gets built. – Kris Gale 💯 Framework // Concept // Mental Model 6 Most Effective Problem Prioritization Frameworks for Product Managers - Part 1 As a produ..
