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특히, PO/PM 분들에 있어서는 회사를 다니는 목표가 될 수도 있습니다. 그렇기 때문에 끊임없이 학습해야합니다.
제가 알고 있는 몇 가지 해외 학습 자료를 공유합니다.
Commoncog - Articles, business case studies, and guides - https://commoncog.com/
Headway - Free video courses, UI Kits templates, and more for product people - https://www.headway.io/resources
Go Practice - Test and practice your PM skills - https://gopractice.io/sat/
Product 5x - Everything a product manager needs - https://www.product5x.com/dashboard
Almanac - Open source docs and templates to build products - https://almanac.io/categories/2405/product-management
ProductPlan - Blog on Product culture, releases, and Leadership - https://www.productplan.com/blog/
Folding Burritos - Product management resources - https://foldingburritos.com
Ask Flip - Frameworks, Methods, and guide for almost anything - https://www.ask-flip.com/
SVPG - Product lessons and guides - https://www.svpg.com/articles/
Untools - Frameworks and tools for Problem-solving, communication, and decision-making - https://untools.co/
Product Toolkit - Lessons and templates for building a product - https://www.product-toolkit.com
Hustle Badger - How-to guides and case studies for a PM - https://www.hustlebadger.com